Monday, December 27, 2004

12/27/2004 need to outline our problem so my memory can be refreshed when I see the counselor

Yes I have come to this point again where herman and I are in crisis.. we started off ok this time, because herman was very loving and protective. He did not go over the edge (due to pressure from his parents) like he did last time, and he promised he would not do so. I felt much more supportive this time around.

into the 2nd week of the ILs stay, herman started his vacatin. I have been very very negative and bitter. based on what had happened between my 99 and my mom when ethan was born. I simply could not control myself and had to be in a rut. I had no way ot getting out. every word i hear from my 99, everthing she says to ethan, it bothers me to the extreme end. I have prayed and tried to come out of it, i simply wasn't able to. What was still holding me up, was that herman was at least very understanding. I teared in front of herman telling him how tought it is to be under the same roof w/ his parents. I realized I need to see a counselor, to get me out of being so negative and hlepless

We finally snapped, on 12/25. Herman started getting short with me and he was critical (unimportant as to what even started it, however small it was). but he was about to lash out on me. And I was about to fight back. It was Christmas day and we were THIS CLOSE to calling Pastor Shiu/Pastor Dennis. Herman was forcing me to talk about ths issue when I was not ready and I only wanted some space by myself. This seemed strange 'coz it is the 1st groud rules between us - never force an argument unless if we are both ready. It is very strange that he broke it, but he did. I said I don't want to go see Pastor shiu , and herman said let's call him to our house. we ended up not doing it..... and in retropspect it would have been quite embarassing, ESP. taking into consideration that on the next day we have to dedicate Ethan in front of our congregation. We, as parents, are supposedly living a good Christian exmaples to him.

On 12/26, I opened up to IL a bit more. I have made room in my hert for Jesus to come in to work on me. It helped and we opened gifts and so forth. I wasn't ready to get lobby dobby yet... but they were. Because herman's dad came to me in private to say that when we go to the mall later, please give an opinion to 99 about what looks good on her. The whole memory of "Herman asking me to plase his mom" came back. But I took it in stride....lo yeah didn't know because he never heard the reasoning from Pastors. Funniest thing, Herman ALSO asked me that , while we were at the mall. I didn't find that as easy to forgive because it was my understanding that it'd be clear to hermna never to MAKE me do things to please her. I thought it was clear, but apparently it was a "gray" area to herman (as we talked calmly later), He said that it was only a question and he asked me in private, instead of putting me on the spot right there.. i guess i disagree but later we had an opportunity to talk calmly.

I stated that his parents are guests but somehow it's making me very uncomforatble and "Secondary" in my OWN home. right now, with them being here, it's as if they are making themselves "too comfortable" like it's their own home. they don't look like guests. I failed to provide tangible examples clear enough for herman to understnad my feelings. But things like, 99 having their own bed, own apron, own shoes, own towels in our home. Also lo yeah watching TV all day long. DON'T GET ME WRONG. i am a great host and I would want everyone to feel as if they are in their own home. It's just that my identity changed, everytime they are around. I feel like I am now in toronton, in THEIR home, and that them 3 have reverted back their way of living for 30 year,s and I am just a 4th person. BUt I should not feel that way, this is MY HOME. Herman did not see my point becasue he felt that his parents would've been OK if i say, "Let's change the channel" or "let's eat this instead of that", that's not my point...again i could not come up w/ an example. I finally compared him to Kasin. I said that I felt I was always being treated special, even if kasin and I would visit his mom in Vancouver. I was always consdiered" FIrst, " and I felt valued. Even if we ended up doing things together, it was "my choice". right now I felt like my life details are planned and I am just informed. I then realized that it was the way that herman was brought up. it was a cultural thing. Kasin had been taught to be "say sum" (small heart, attentive to girlfriends) but Herman wasn't. In Herman's family, what's deemed as important is "pleasing mom". therefore both dad and herman please mom and make sure the engine runs fine. I have been dragged into this equation and I am not fond of it. Heramn countered to say, well if mom is no.1 then i would not have been leaving toronton to come to seattle. I said, but don't forget that you mom always said, that it was because she "approved" that's why you are in SEattle......

At this point, I realized , there's no changing of this behavior, because herman had been this way for years and it's of no use for me to tell him that. perhaps i can pray for a miracle to happen??????????

In any case, I wish to discuss with herman a compromise. After they leave, I wish to discuss w/ herman that 1 month is too long to endure. I will try to negotiate for 2 weeks each. 2 weeks in the winter, 2 weeks in the summer.

I have also emailed Wendy Lee - recommended by Pastor shiu, a counsellor. I really need to seek advice.....

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

12/24/2004 a bummed out christmas, again

4 years ago, it was like this too...except that time I thought that things would change for the better. and they did, superflalously, and it came back to haunt me in a much bigger way.

an email I wrote to Pastor Dennis and his reply......

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 3:31 PM
Subject: Hi

Hi Pastor Dennis,

I had the best intention to drop by your house to give you the gift, but since the in-laws had been here, everything had been difficult. I think we'll have to send that gift next year!!!

I have been so bummed out. I had originally thought that I'd be OK with their extended visit. But even the first 2 days had been extremely difficult. I have been praying to have love and patience but the many bad memories are lingering on and I am very much on the edge. The slightest thing will trigger me to go to a bad mood. The only positive thing is Herman hasn't lost his cool like he did last time, so he hasn't yelled at me yet. but we are close to having a fight. We just avoid talking that's all

I have got 3 more weeks to go. I am very negative and bitter inside. As a Christian I know I need to forget and forgive but it's just very hard this time. I kept asking why I can't just have Christmas with Herman and Ethan alone? I hate Christmas and I have no way of getting my mind focused on the reason for the celebration. This is so painful and I feel just desperate.

OK thanks for listening... perhaps we'll hook up next year



Don’t worry about dropping off the gift. We were just talking about the two of you on our own last night. We also prayed for you two during our morning walk.

If at this very moment avoiding talking to one another will help prevent a fight, it might not be a bad idea to not talk as the moment gets tense. We understand it is very difficult for you. You are somewhat ‘alone’ in the midst of this whole holiday. If it is possible for you to swing over after work or whenever you can swing over, we can lend our shoulders for you to shed your tears. You don’t need to put any more pressure on yourself. Yes, we are Christian and we ought to do this and that. But don’t forget we are also human and we have our limitation. You are no exception. Just hang on to your dear life and tough it out. Just think about it, another day is almost gone and you are one day closer to the end of the tunnel. Our home is always opened for you if you need a short break. Use the excuse of the pastor wants to see Ethan for Christmas to get away for few hours. It might work…:P BTW, I want to see Ethan too…I miss him…we can only look at his pictures which we put on the refrigerator in the kitchen. He is so cute……

Take care,

Dennis Ng
Renton Chinese Alliance Church

Yesterday Susan announced that Pete and Jeff got a promotion. JEff deserved it yes, but Pete? By "NOT doing work" he got a promotion...that sure teaches us something ;o) Well! I am sad but theN I know that I have traded in my promotion for a flexible scheulde like this. I received a score of 1 - "exceedingly impressive " or walks on water, from dave, but yet I don't have a promotion. But Ethan is my prize! He's all that matters right now. I'll get my promotion when I deserve it.

Tomorrow is IDX holiday so the office has cleared out a long time ago. I just went to check on ethan and he's asleep, so I came back up. As I am sitting here by myself, i realized, that I am sad, yes, but it suddenly dawned on me that it's not all about me. It's about feeling sad around christmas. what about all the homeless poeple who are in the cold and are hungry? Perhaps the lord is telling me to empathasize during this holiday season?

i find it extremely difficut to come out of that rut. Even the slightest hint of me wanting to talk more, gave the false impression that I am ok and want to be a I am not. Carol doesn't understnad why I have to be so bitter. she encourages me over and over again to take it easy. She doens't understnad that I have had a long history of abuse from my 99. Perhaps it also doesn't help with me being less than the average optimistic person. This is severe tortue, and I think Herman finds it far-fetch that anyone can be as a drama queen as I am... I haven't talked to him in days. He left me alone and I am happy that he is. We borderlined fighting a few times so perhaps keeping each other's mouth shut is the best. I so very much wish to tell him that 1 month is way too long and perhaps next Christmas we can have just the 3 of us.... When they leave and when we are back to ourselves maybe I can say that. But I don't think herman will ever do it for me. Not that he won't do it, just that he thinks it's too unbelievable that I ma that demanding. This all because he can't sympathaize my hurt. With Mike's hurt, he could. It bothers him that Mike hurt me, but he didn't - or don't know what to do, with his mom's hurt.

I just now want to be calm and just so that my emotions doesn't swing up and down like this. it sucks.
one day, when we all go to heaven, we'll have no tears

Thursday, December 16, 2004

12/20/2004 - a sad Christmas

9 acct attached and did FINC to change guarantor

PAC to change phase - to put into 5.

Previous phase is 2.

changed to do - won't accept it? phase cannot be lowered on the acct.

the wrong person is the guarantor

Louise,DELUCIA - 142981
GARR - will show 2 guarantor listed but select 142981

All 9 ACCT-NUM are attached wrong. Patient MRN:

All 9 were wrong and all 9 need to be changed.


Today is 12/20, week 2 of the inlaws' visit ....3 more weeks to go. It's been awful. Before they arrived, I had the best intention to stay happy and loving. Herman and I prayed and I prayed myself, etc. to anticipate this visit. As soon as they arrived, I realized that there's so much I could not have predicted. I tried my best but the best is not good enough. 99 's presence alone brought back a lot of dark memories. Her nagging and exeggerated gesture turns me off.

I never thought it would be this bad again. I already visualized in my head the whole scenario of me packing my bags and leaving with Ethan. I had a "talk" with 99 yesterday, telling her not to be so "gik dung". I was on the phone, in a conference call but I had it muted. Ethan was crying in the exersaucer so I went to pick him up. She flicked at my arm and told me to walk away - good intention, but rude. I later told her that I know when I can pick up ethan and when I can't and she doesn't have to be so "gik dung". From then, i was pretty short with them. I just don't want to talk. So I am sure she's in a bad mood.

On Saturday, she threw up after our short trips of going out to lunch. this reminded me of the 1st Christmas after Herman and I got married. at the time, Herman made me go up to say comforting words. At the time, I reluctantly did so. I was so reluctant, and doing that made more damage to our relaointship than help. Yesterday as I was standing there , I was waiting for lo yeah to come tell me to bring her tea!! If he did then I would have honestly told him that, all those were said and done and look where we are? We have only made things worse. I was also waiting for herman to tell me to go ask about how she feels...and if he did then I would tell him that if she chooses to go into a tandram then i should not be the one aplogizing. It's her own damn fault for not controlling her emotion. I know she's pissed at me. I haven't talked to her, and neither did she. Yesterday morning when I took ethan downstairs, I said, good morning. She did not even bother to reply. Fine. Not like it bothers me.It's my home! I caught myself feeling a little scared - scared about herman knowing this "secret fight" we had going on. then suddenly it dawned on me that - it's her problem, not mine. Why should i be scared about what herman feels? I haven't changed a thing I did - i have always been silent and will remain silent. if she's too good to say a word then i won't either.

But do you know how much I want to get out of this mess? do you know how much I long for Christmas with just the 3 of us !!! it sucks to not feel comfortable in your own home.... sigh.

This week I am working thru Wednesday. Then next week since BH is closed that means we'll have to work at home all week long :(
I really just want to cry

testing - for the darkest secrets

testing - for the darkest secrets